Thursday, May 31, 2012

I am...17 Months Old

New Things:
Hanging out in his playpen (and trying to climb out)
Sleeping (mostly) through the night
Loves trains (and makes the cutest noise for them)
Temper tantrums (enough said)

Not So New Things:
Removing his diaper any chance he gets
Breastfeeding (more than usual)

Liam has been so active over the past month. He is still climbing everything and we now have to keep the bathroom door closed at all times because he climbed onto the sink. He loves to be outside and gets really excited when we go for walks (which we need to do more often). He's trying to talk more and I wouldn't be surprised if he just starts putting words together and forming sentences (he already uses "read" and "book" together).

He's a really fun guy although he has been showing signs of aggression and anger lately. He gets really upset when he's told he can't do something and has started to hit things (and sometimes people) to show his frustration. This is something we really want to work on. Actually, our whole parenting method is something we need to work on. I tend to be the disciplinarian while Will is the "fun" parent. Even if Liam is doing something that Will knows he shouldn't, 80% of the time, Will will not correct the action. We will definitely need to get on the same page if we want to tackle Liam's temper tantrums and bouts of aggression.

Overall, we are loving this stage of Liam's growth especially when he gives hugs and kisses. He really is a sweet guy.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

What's Going On

I just wanted to do a quick update on what's going on in the C. household. Will received news that he will be going to school early next year and once he finishes, we will be moving to a new area. We won't know for sure where we will be going until next year but wherever we end up, we'll be there for two years.
I'm excited and nervous but also thankful that we have plenty of time for this information to set in and even more time to plan our move. Another thing that we are planning is baby number two! I had originally planned to have my Implanon removed this month but after doing a little math, we realized that Will may not be able to be home for the birth (again). Although it could take months (or even years) for us to get pregnant again, we've decided not to take any chances and will be waiting until August instead. Even though I have to wait a few more months, I'm still excited at the thought of having another baby. Until then, I'll just hold as many babies as possible (which is easy with my new job).
Other than that, things are good here. We've been enjoying some good weather (although it is pretty chilly today), spending lots of time with Liam and preparing for the summer. Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, May 4, 2012

A Little About My Job!

For anyone who reads my blog (which is probably just my little sister, Hi Jahnaia!), I mentioned that I have found a job. I am working as a Breastfeeding Peer Counselor through our local health department. This position is not unheard of but it is usually through WIC so this is a new area for everyone. I will be able to work with anyone who uses the health department for services (this is includes WIC but doesn't exclude those who do not qualify for WIC). Since starting the job, I have met lots of amazing women and realized that the position I am in is actually really important and there are a lot of people who are not only excited about it but also expecting me to do a great job. No pressure or anything but it is motivating me to work hard and try to make the most of the position.
Although I work through the health department, I am technically not a health department employee. I don't have an office, I don't come in to work everyday, I actually work mostly from home. When nursing moms need assistance, I receive a referral from the health department informing me of the issue(s) that the mom is experiencing. I then contact the mom and see if I can assist her by stopping by and giving her nursing advice. Well, I have received four referrals this week. I really wasn't expecting to even have any referrals so this was an awesome surprise. So far, I've only met with two moms (who were really nice) and although I don't have all the answers, I hope that I helped them out as much as I can.
After my two counselings, I realized that I would love to do this as a career. As of right now, I am completely satisfied being a BFPC but I eventually want to become a LPN and continue the path to becoming a board certified lactation consultant. Those are future plans though. Right now, I want to be a great resource for nursing moms in my county. I want moms to know that if I don't have the answer, I will do my hardest to figure it out for them. That being said, I need to get started on some online training while Liam is sleeping. Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Photo Challenge!

Are you guys ready for some picture fun?? Well, I have decided to participate in fat mum slim's May photo challenge. It seems like a blast and it will force get me to take more pictures. Here's the challenge list:


I will be participating through my Instagram (@willandjaye) by using the hashtag #photoadayMay. I don't think I'll post the pictures on the blog everyday but I think I'll do a "our week in photos" blog.
I'm super excited to do this challenge and if you're interested in doing it as well, you should dive in!