Thursday, February 25, 2016

Motherhood || Life as a Mama Bird of Three

Three little baby birds (although Asher will quickly remind me that he's not a baby). Life in our nest is chaotic, as usual. Since we're moving thousands of miles away very soon, it has been hard to get any kind of routine established. We're just going with the flow right now and that will likely be the case until we're settled in our new house/life in Hawaii (whenever that is since we have to wait for Aurora's passport to leave).
Without a regular routine, we've noticed a change in the boys' behavior, mostly Liam's. I have to remind myself that he's only five and I can't place unrealistic expectations on him. With that being said, I know what he's capable of doing and the behavior he should have so that's something we need to work on. Asher is a pre-threenager right now so he's horrible (I'm exaggerating). They're great kids though and I'm a truly lucky mama. Every day I get with my kids, I'm filled with gratitude, especially if they're all sleeping at the same time. 

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