Monday, July 10, 2017

07/09/17 // a fresh start

a quick note: I am moving in a new direction with this space. After (almost) a year absence, I realized that I want to have this be a space for me to journal. No catchy titles and clique topics, just thoughts and feelings of a mom/wife trying to show up every day and give my all even if that means falling hard along the way. I will still post pictures and touch on our everyday life but I will also post raw, unedited versions of myself as well. So, let's start this new journey. 


Life. Life happens fast when you least expect it. One day you think you have it in your grasp only to feel it hit you, hard, just to remind you that it's in control. A year in Hawai`i has come and gone. Even though everything around me is moving so fast, days flying by, turning from sunrise to darkness in the blink of an eye, I am stagnant. Staying the same while life around me changes and evolves. Every day another version of the last until I broke free of the fog of mediocrity and excuses that held me blind for so long (longer than I'd like to admit). I am finally ready to show up every day. To be vulnerable. To hold myself accountable. And to be the mom and wife I know I can be. This journey is long overdue. 

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