Monday, January 19, 2015

A Better Me in 2015

I know, it's clique but I really do want to accomplish some self-improvement over the next year. 2014 was a good year. It wasn't great...I guess you can call it mediocre. I don't want to look back on 2015 and feel the same way. I always make a list of New Year's Resolutions and looking back, I have rarely kept them...I don't think I truly ever made a complete effort either. So, when I was looking back on the resolutions I made for 2015, I realized that my list was superficial. I sat down and thought about the improvements I would really like to make. I thought about where I wanted to be mentally, physically and spiritually in one year. This is what I ended up with:

1. Meditate daily
2. Exercise at least twice a week
3. Get dressed daily (this may seem like a no-brainer to some but as a stay at home mom who sometimes doesn't leave the house for an entire week, getting dressed was not at the top of my list of priorities)
4. Eat healthy; limit sugars (I have a huge sweet tooth)
5. Stick to a routine (daily and cleaning)
6. Spend at least one hour daily playing with the boys (the way the want) with no distractions
7. Invest in myself
8. Put out positive energy

In the past, I would attempt to make changes and when I thought I would fail, I would just stop. I'm hoping that this year will be different. I realize that these changes won't happen overnight but I also understand that just because I mess up one day, one week or even one month, that doesn't make my resolution/goal a failure. I have an entire year to make changes. I just need to get up and do it.

Do any of you make resolutions/goals? Does it take awhile for your changes to become habits?

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