Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodnight 2012.

Wow, this year has flown by. Our family has seen it's fair share of ups and downs but we've made it through and are ready for a new year. Both Will and I experienced exciting moments in our careers. Will received a promotion at work while I was able to find a job doing something I feel very passionate about. We also were successful in getting pregnant this year (which brings about a world of excitement on its own). We found out that we were PCSing to Germany and began preparing to move thousands of miles away from home).

Now we're closing out our year but spending time with Will's family before we head off for our first adventure of 2013. There are tons of things that people pledge to do when deciding New Year's Resolutions. I never do resolutions since I know that eventually I'm going to break them (especially those about eating healthy or exercising) but this year, I've decided to make one resolution.

My New Year's Resolution for 2013 is to be a better person/wife/mother/friend than I was in 2012. 2012 was hard year for me in a lot of ways but I've realized that I didn't put a 100% effort in when it came to my relationships and personal development. This year, I pledge to make a change. Now, I'm not saying that I'll turn into the perfect mother/wife but I hope (and pray) that at the end of 2013, I will know that I made an effort.

So, as we bring in the New Year, I'll leave you guys with some of my favorite pictures from 2012 (including Liam's two year pictures taken by our fabulous photographer, Melissa Bradfield). Cheers everyone!

A few snapshots of our 2012

Melissa Bradfield Photography

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