Friday, July 22, 2011

Co-Sleeping is a Go!

A couple months ago, I blogged about Operation Get Liam Out The Bed (OGLOTB). Well, let's just say OGLOTB is officially on hold. Will and I talked things over and we've decided that we will co-sleep until it proves to be an issue for us.

I must admit, I love co-sleeping (well, most of the time) just as much as I love breastfeeding (also, most of the time). It seems that a lot of advice that I receive from (well meaning) mothers, friends and relatives suggest that I should make Liam conform to my schedule and life but I've come to the realization that Will and I wanted Liam here and not vice versa. Don't get me wrong, I don't plan to change everything in our lives to fit Liam's schedule (that would be madness!) but I also don't expect him to be a strict schedule when I don't even have our dogs on one. I just plan to do what feels right for us and breastfeeding and co-sleeping are comfortable for us right now.

My only question is whether or not I should buy a new crib or not (the one we had was recalled) or just wait to see how long we continue to co-sleep once Will is home. Decisions, decisions.

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