Monday, July 11, 2011

Let Him Eat Cake!!

Okay, so I've been waiting to do this post for forever (I wanted to wait until after he received his package to post about it)! Will's birthday was on July 6th so I mailed him his birthday package a week prior.

I wanted to make Will's birthday a special event since he is deployed and away from home. I thought long and hard and finally decided to make him Cake in a Jar!

If you haven't heard of Cake in a Jar, it's super easy. I've laid out the instructions (complete with pictures) below. Enjoy!!

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Sterilize mason jars and lids by boiling in water. Remove jars but leave lids in the hot water.
  3. Prepare cake batter either according to box instructions or from cake recipe.
  4. Spray the inside of pint size mason jars with Pam before filling with 1 cup of cake batter (keep rims of jars clean).
  5. Place jars on a cookie sheet and bake for 30-35 minutes.
  6. When the cake is done, take one jar out at a time. Place the hot lids onto the jar and let cool.
  7. As the jars cool, you should hear a 'ping'. To make sure the jars have sealed, press down on the lids. If they don't move, the jars have sealed.
  8. Enjoy when ready!

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